SEEK - 1st & 2nd Grade Curriculum

2024-25 Offered on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays

Note: This course rotates curriculum every year so students can take the course more than once. 

The main topics covered this year are:

  • Getting to know and appreciate each other
  • Forest
  • Bears
  • Wetlands
  • Praries
  • Caves & Creatures of the Night
  • Care of the Land

Week 1: Introduction Activities 

Get to know you games, classroom rules, introduction to habitats, Journals 

Week 2 & 3: Habitats - Forest

Study trees including lifecycle, parts of a tree, animals found in the forest, creative arts activity, Journals

Week 4: Bears and Other Animals in the Forest

Introduce different kinds of bears, Arkansas bears, Tracks In the Forest, bear game, Journals

Week 5 & 6: Habitats - Wetlands

Explore wetlands at the center, types of plants and animals that live in the wetlands, wetlands as filters, Little Green Monsters, Journals, creative arts activities

Week 5: Animal-Mania

Review mammal characteristics, Circles of Life, Animal Charades, Compare dogs, foxes, wolves and coyotes, guest speaker, Mystery Mammals, Journals

Week 7: Habitats – Prairies

Identifying the characteristics of a prairie, grasses and birds found in prairies, Grandview Prairie

Week 8, 9: Habitats – Caves & Creatures of the Night

Cave formation, creatures that live in caves, nocturnal features, Arkansas bats, creative arts activity, Journal

Week 10 and 11: Care of the Land

Recycle, reuse, water conversation, landfills and composting, make paper, Journal

Week 12: Graduation!

Review, games and hiking, graduation ceremony

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