Civic Engagement and Leadership
Civic Engagement
Arkansas 4-H has three mission mandates - Civic Engagement/Leadership, Healthy Living, and Science - these mandates reiterate the founding purposes of Extension: community leadership, quality of life, and technology transfer in the context of 21st century challenges and opportunities.
Learn, lead, and begin to make a difference with 4-H Civic Engagement. As you learn more about your community, county, and state government, your leadership, communication, and decision making skills improve as you develop a sense of pride in your surroundings. Many 4-H members do citizenship activities throughout their 4-H career by participating in events such as National 4-H week, National Opportunities, by serving on community government boards, and serving within club and county leadership.
Arkansas 4-H Civic Engagement/Leadership programs are the foundation of 4-H work in Arkansas. Whether serving as a local 4-H club president, conducting a community service project, or running for a state office, 4-H civic engagement programs empower young people to become well-informed citizens actively engaged in their communities. Talk with your County Extension leaders about how you can be engaged civically!
Arkansas 4-H is committed to fostering youth development and growing future leaders. Through club, county, and even state participation, youth develop and exercise leadership skills, gain a greater awareness of their civic responsibilities, participate in service projects, and be represented on community decision bodies. Youth learn to be engaged, well-informed citizens who are active in their local and global communities.
Through leadership development programs, Arkansas 4-H fosters important life skills, including:
- Leadership
- Civic Engagement
- Communication
- Public Speaking
- Concern for others
- Contribution to a group
Civic Engagement and Leadership Projects
Projects in this area include:
- Achievement
- Citizenship
- Communication
- Leadership
- Mentorship
- Public Speaking
- Workforce Preparation & Careers
- Entrepreneurship
Projects in this area include:
- Service Learning
Projects in this area include:
- Fashion & Fabric
- Music
- Photography & Videography
- Theater & Performance Arts
- Visual Arts