About Arkansas 4-H
4-H is the premier youth development program conducted by the University of Arkansas System, Division of Agriculture, Cooperative Extension Service.
4-H--the four H’s we emphasize are: Head, Heart, Hands, and Health--is designed to prepare young people to step up to the challenges in their communities
and provide youth with the skills to lead for a lifetime. The core elements of 4-H
include youth leadership, youth-adult partnerships, life skills learning, and community
service. 4‑H programs are grounded in the belief that youth learn best by doing. 4-H
members complete hands-on projects in areas like science, health, agriculture, and
citizenship in a positive environment where they receive guidance from adult mentors
and are encouraged to take on proactive leadership roles.
What AR 4-H Offers
We offer a wide variety of hands-on, learn-by-doing opportunities for everyone. Youth can concentrate on one area or they can try an assortment of programs throughout their 4‑H experience. Based on their interests and guided by adult mentors, youth develop their own pathway in 4‑H with the ultimate goal of learning life skills to help them thrive today and tomorrow.
4-H is conducted in many forms including community clubs, special interest projects, in-school clubs, on military installations, and more, so you can be a part of 4-H wherever you live. Youth between the ages of 5 and 19 are invited to join the 120,000 young people involved in the Arkansas 4-H program.
Arkansas 4-H Mission
The mission of 4-H is to provide opportunities for youth to acquire knowledge, develop life skills, form attitudes, and practice behavior that will enable them to become self directing, productive, and contributing members of society.
The 4-H emblem is a four-leaf clover with an "H" on each leaf. The letters in the emblem stands for Head, Heart, Hands, and Health.
Arkansas 4-H Pledge
I pledge:
My Head to clearer thinking
My Heart to greater loyalty
My Hands to larger service
My Health to better living for my club, my community, my country, and my world.
Promesa 4‑H
Prometo usar:
Mi mente para pensar con más claridad,
Mi corazón para ser más leal,
Mis manos para ser más servicial,
Mi salud para cuidarme más, por mi club, mi comunidad, mi país y mi mundo.
4-H Motto
To Make the Best Better
Green - nature's most common color, symbolizes springtime, life and youth.
White - symbolizes purity and high ideals.
4-H Gear 
Shop 4-H clothing, accessories, trophies, curriculum, and so much more using the button below. Using that specific link, gives a portion of what you spend back to 4-H'ers right here in Arkansas! Additionally, we have an Arkansas 4-H collection on the Shop 4-H website, a button to that collection is also below.