Club Resources

The success of any club depends largely on how the program is organized.  The more care and thought put into a program, the greater the probability of a successful 4-H club.

Any 4-H club meeting should provide a balance of fun, business, and learning.  When planning your club activities be sure to:

  • Provide a role for each member
  • Meet needs of participants
  • Share responsibilities
  • Ensure a balanced program
  • Provide good communication
  • Provide opportunities to practice skills

Documents and Forms

15-20 Minutes should be allotted for the business meetings. Group discussion following basic parliamentary procedure allows for 4-H youth to build their leadership skills.

 This is the educational component of the club meeting.  Youth are invited to share their project work, invited speakers and attend tours.  This portion of a club meeting should be limited to 40-50 minutes

Monthly Ideas for Club Meetings

One skill that all 4-H youth and volunteers can benefit from is sharing their 4-H Story.  Creating a good elevator speech to tell your story is a good activity to use at the end of every 4-H Year.

Remember to break up activities with fun brain breaks to keep youth engaged, and after a program always thank your volunteers and guest presenters.

Remember to report club activities to your county extension office on a regular basis. They need to know how they can support you.

  • 4-H Code of Conduct - NEW EDITION COMING SOON
  • Publications, Video, Image Release - NEW EDITION COMING SOON
  • Incident Reports- COMING SOON

When forming a 4-H Clubs, there are certain forms that need to be updated annual in order to remain a 4-H club in good standing.  These forms need to be kept on file with the county office, and include the following:

The Innovative Program Grants, made possible by the Arkansas 4-H Foundation and the 4-H Alumni Association, awards counties and clubs up to $200 per year for financial support of 4-H educational or community service projects.  Priority is given to projects that teach youth skills and/or provide a service to their communities.

Applications due to the 4-H State office every APRIL 15th.  Please contact your county extension agent for more information.

Every year the Arkansas Association of Extension 4-H Agents recognizes an outstanding 4-H Agent, 4-H Program Assistant, 4-H State Specialist and 4-H Volunteer.  Simply fill out a nomination form below and send to by July 1st of current year.

While we can not meet face-to-face all the time, it is still possible to hold 4-H meetings using technology.  From a phone call to a video conference, here are some tools to help conduct a Virtual Club.



Line art of calendar with heart in the middle

Calendar of Events

4-H Events Calendar and Reference Guide

Line art of hand offering a donation

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Line art of diverse group of adults and child group

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4-H Online Enrollment and Resources