Discover 4-H

Opportunities to expand your knowledge beyond Arkansas

While Arkansas offers multiple educational projects and programs for our states youth, sometimes you want to explore a project a bit more.  In order to facilitate our youth getting the best experiences possible, we recommend using materials that are research based, supported by universities and approved by 4-H. 

University of California

Serving over 140,000 youth in the state of California, this 4-H program has developed programs to help expand knowledge in everything from Agriculture to Zoology.  Check out the Science and Healthy living programs from California.

Ohio State University

Credited with being the birthplace of 4-H, Ohio State University offers materials (some free, some at a small cost) to start projects, expand knowledge, and management of clubs.

National 4-H

Available for a slight cost, the National 4-H Council offers project books that offer multiple activities designed to help 4-H youth grow in understanding the world around them.

Texas A&M

Look no further than the state next door to "explore" projects and club activities offered to make volunteer, agents, and 4-H youth have easy access to materials related to 4-H project work.

Utah State University

Developed and tested by Utah State University's 4-H program, Discover Clubs provide step-by-step instructions for six club meetings.   These resources are great for starting new clubs, exploring different projects, or designing a camp experience.

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Calendar of Events

4-H Events Calendar and Reference Guide

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