Computer Science
Each year, many across the world celebrate computer science education and activities. In the United States this is typically recognized as the first full week of Decemeber. Arkansas 4-H has provided the activities below for some CS fun without any computers or need of internet! Other activites can be found at the following websites:
Pathways for Arkansas 4-H 
Computer science is a growing opportunity for youth to explore for new career paths in almost any field of work. The following six lessons are designed to introduce basic computer science concepts for any youth. These activities are all unplugged and can be done with typical materials you may have at home or at the local convient store. No background knowledge is necessary for parents, leaders, or volunteers to facilitate these activities. The activites below have a detailed lesson plan and the resources needed for each activity.
In this activity, you will learn basic concepts of binary code. This is a computer language that all computer coding is based off of. You will code a name or initials with colored beads to represent the two symbols. Make a bracelet, keychain, or wherever your imagination take you with this string of coded beads.
Supplies Needed:
This activity will allow you to learn about algorithms and how computers think through individual steps. This is a great introduction activity to think about how detail-oriented computers think through each process.
Supplies Needed:
You will investigate how computer screens show graphics by breaking down pictures into individual color "dots" called pixels. By translating a graphic or words you can express your artistic side from a computer perspective.
Supplies Needed:
Computers "think" in patterns. They want to see how a set of instructions called algorithms can be repeated. This activity will allow you to investigate how to create a pattern through paper quilting and how different types of patterns can be utilized.
Supplies Needed:
This is an adaptation from the 4-H STEM Challenge, Code Your World activity kit. This activity gets you moving together to create a repetitive algorithm for the song "Chicken Dance". Utilize the traditional steps, but to flex those creative muscles adapt or write a new dance algorithm.
**Want a more Challenging Version? Reach out to the Tech Changemakers Team! **
Supplies Needed:
This activity combines the fun of playing Rock, Paper, Scissors, but instead, you will be playing against a computer. Computers think in logic statements where they play as a result of a random selection. By rolling the dice, you will see if you can beat the computer.
Supplies Needed: